Compliance Blog

Everything about compliance management

  • Creating a hazardous substances register

    Creating a hazardous substances register

    The Ordinance on Hazardous Substances requires every employer to keep a register of all hazardous substances existing in the company. This register provides information not only about a substance, its […]

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  • Food safety

    Food safety

    Food sold in the EU is subject to high quality and safety requirements. A control system that the responsible food companies set up based on the HACCP principles helps with […]

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  • ESG criteria

    ESG criteria

    Sustainability is one of the key issues for companies. But how can sustainable business be made quantifiable and measurable? This is where the ESG criteria come into play, which originally […]

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  • Hazardous substances training

    Hazardous substances training

    In many companies, handling hazardous substances is part of everyday work, whether in production, storage, or disposal. The highest priority is to ensure the safety of employees and the environment. […]

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  • Sustainability report

    Sustainability report

    The Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive (CSRD) requires more companies in the EU to prepare a sustainability report. For example, while 500 companies in Germany were previously affected by this regulation, […]

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  • Digital first aid book

    Digital first aid book

    Accidents happen in almost every company. When employees are injured, this must be recorded in the first aid book—regardless of whether the injury can be treated quickly or requires a […]

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