Companies throughout Germany must gradually deal more intensively with the three letters ESG: Environmental Social Governance. Pursuing sustainability goals not only has a positive impact on the environment but is now even a key factor for company success. Certain measures are already mandatory, others are still voluntary. Nevertheless, you will benefit if you position your company well in the ESG area now!

But where should you start? How do you bring order to the data chaos and get a real overview of resources and the like? The first step is to implement good sustainability management in your company!

Many questions, but where are the answers?

Sustainability management is all good, but where does the basic knowledge come fromto tackle sustainability in the company? We want to help you navigate the ESG jungle and our ESG manager Marcus Schade has a lot planned for this! Last year, he already imparted valuable knowledge on CSRD reporting, the Supply Chain Due Diligence Act and more in his webinar series. You can watch the past webinars in our media library – just look out for the green symbol with the plant! Please note that the webinars are held in the German language.

This year, Marcus Schade will not only spread even more knowledge but will also offer workshops where you can learn first-hand. As soon as these start, you will find out in our German newsletter or on LinkedIn. Until then, you can already register for the first ESG webinar of the year!

Viel Rauch und in der Mitte steht ein Kraftwerk.

Why sustainability management is so challenging

“Sustainability…that includes fuel and chemicals, right?”

Yes, but there’s so much more! In principle, you always have to remember that when it comes to ESG, it’s not just the environment that plays a role, but also social and employee concerns. All of these are aspects that should ultimately be included in your sustainability report.

This is where the challenge arises: Collecting all the required data is not only time-consuming but also quite cumbersome. Not least because different data is usually stored in different places – sometimes in even completely different forms. Was the data on fuel consumption in the Excel sheet or is it printed out and filed in a folder? What is the current version? Is the data still reliable? Who can access the data and how secure is it? Answering all of these questions takes time and, not least, nerves. And, due to the high workload, ultimately also money.

How can your sustainability management be successful?

Outdated and rigid processes are the biggest obstacle to your company’s success. This also applies to the ESG area, because companies that do not comply with sustainability guidelines can be excluded from tenders.

The effort to maintain sustainability data is therefore extremely worthwhile. And we can tell you how to approach this task most effectively!

The most important thing here is to use a uniform system. Saving numerous different files and versions is not effective. You therefore need a central location where you can record resources, consumption and tariffs in a uniform manner, view the revision history and manage access.

One such system is appropriate sustainability management software. Why is this the optimal solution?

Nine dice with symbols representing aspects of ESG
  • The collection and management of data become centralised and therefore clearer.
  • Data quality increases through an integrated revision history.
  • Clearly assignable access rights increase data security.
  • Consistent storage locations save time when searching for relevant information.
  • The overall reduction in time and effort ultimately saves money!

Want more reasons?

It’s so easy to transform your sustainability management and drive business success! In our German factsheet, we have collected ten reasons why software can be the optimal solution for this.

Eine Gruppe Personen in Business-Kleidung schaut auf einen Monitor mit ESG-Grafik

We are also constantly working on the further development of our software solution iManSys as a tool for sustainability management. If you want to be the first to hear about new developments, please follow us on LinkedIn or subscribe to our German newsletter.

Stay safe and healthy – and of course sustainably! 😉

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